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The Purchase Contract comes under the G2G agreement between Italy and Slovenia to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Leonardo and the Air Armaments and Airworthiness Directorate of the Secretariat General of Defence / National Armaments Directorate signed a Purchase Contract to supply the Slovenian Defence Ministry with a second C-27J Spartan aircraft and related logistics and training services. 

The contract follows the Italy-Slovenia Government-to-Government agreement (G2G) signed on 17 November 2021, aiming to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two countries. 

Dario Marfè, Senior Vice President of Commercial, CSS&T & Proprietary Programs Business of Leonardo’s Aircraft Division, said: ‘Deployed in the most challenging geographic, environmental and operating contexts, Leonardo’s C-27J Spartan is an aircraft capable of performing various types of defence and civil protection missions. Extensive experience with air forces worldwide makes it the ideal aircraft for military transport missions, paratrooper and materials airdrops, ‘last mile’ tactical troop support, special forces operations, medical battlefield evacuation, humanitarian assistance and natural disaster response.’

The C-27J Spartan Next Generation features new avionics in a glass cockpit with five multi-functional colour screens, a radar system for tactical transport missions and advanced communication systems. The system architecture ensures interoperability with other transport aircraft. It is easy to integrate with in-flight refuelling, self-protection, secure communications and ballistic protection systems to operate in high-threat environments, transporting materials, light vehicles and personnel wherever needed. 

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