Embraer welcomes Brazil’s entry in WTO civil aircraft accord

Embraer celebrated Brazil’s entry into the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft (TCA).

The signing, held in Geneva on November 17, 2023, marks a significant step for Brazil’s aerospace industry. Brazil submitted its application to accede to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft in June 2022.

Embraer, Brazil’s main aerospace manufacturer, welcomed the entry with a statement.

“Brazil is now part of a key forum for discussing rules in the civil aircraft trade among major industry players,” Embraer’s CEO, Francisco Gomes Neto commented.

The TCA ensures increased predictability and legal assurance for Brazilian aerospace firms by removing import duties on aircraft and components among participating nations. This step is anticipated to bolster Brazil’s position in global civil aircraft trade talks, fostering fair collaboration in the aerospace industry.

The Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft became effective on January 1, 1980. Its key provision mandates signatories to remove import duties on all aircraft, excluding military aircraft, and certain aerospace components. This encompasses civil aircraft engines, their parts, and components, along with flight simulators and their corresponding parts and components. Before Brazil, a total of 33 WTO members were signatories to the Trade in Civil Aircraft Agreement.

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